Saturday, May 1, 2010

The cute little ones...

Muhd Khair Anaqi,,

How time flies && you are coming 3 months.. I couldn't believe my eyes that we have you in our lives.. You are growing right in front of us and we can see the diff in ur characters each month. Even if me && ur dad have to wake up in the morning,, we just didn't care if we have enuff sleep or not.. Even if you are not awake,, we would still awake to check on ur diapers..
Muhd Khair Anaqi, @ Newborn

Muhd Khair Anaqi, @ 1 mth +

Muhd Khair Anaqi,, @ 2 mths +

Papa && Mama loves you soo much.. You are our lives,, our light.. You hav make our lives complete.. We lovess you soo much.. Muachh!!!
Love by,
Your Parents


  1. salam kenal..akak follow sini juga ye..cute nya baby..

  2. salam kak, boleh apa salahnye. Salam perkenalan ..
